Tanya Scott, Founder/Master Trainer
Tanya has 25 years experience as a certified fitness professional. And she holds an advanced certification in Rebounding instruction and, until Covid forced its closure, owned Northern California’s only Rebounding fitness studio, Boundless. Tanya is a passionate teacher, coach & entrepreneur who has an extensive background in business development, fitness and nutrition and dance. From as early as she can remember, Tanya wanted to dance, and began studying ballet at age 8, followed by Jazz & cheerleading until the end of high school. In college and into her 20’s she focused on modern, hip hop and African dance. Simultaneously she began working out at a local gym when she was just 18yrs old and still in high school. At the time - the late 80’s - she was often the only woman in the gym room. Tanya began working as a personal trainer when she was 24, opened her first gym at 27, and launched the first of two retail stores when she was 31. After graduate school and becoming a mother, Tanya opened up her second gym, Boundless. Tanya’s superpower is her ability to see the bigger picture of her client’s challenges and blocks, both the physical and mental, while also perceiving their unique potential and what they need, to move toward improved health, movement, vitality and optimal wellness. Tanya brings her life-long enthusiasm for fitness and optimal health, effective movement and longevity along with intuitive personal attention to all of her client sessions and classes. She has a roster of hundreds of folks - they’ve come to her to CONNECT, get STRONG, get GUIDANCE and get HEALTHY!