5 Tips For Building A New Habit

Have you been wanting to start a new habit, but feel overwhelmed about how to even go about doing it?

I have a quick list of some tried and true ways to start a new habit and actually make it stick!

  1. Identify your WHAT & WHY - what is the new habit you want to implement, and why will it benefit you?

  2. Schedule your habit into your calendar. In my life, if it's not written down, it's not happening!

  3. Change the size of the change - aka shrink the size of the goal so that it's actually doable!

  4. Stack your habit - aka connecting this new habit with a current one you already do; this also builds new and stronger neuron connections in the brain!

  5. Set up Accountability and Support. A psychological principle called the Hawthorne Effect holds that we perform better when we know we’re under the observation of others.

This is why accountability is so powerful when it comes to building new habits. There are many ways you can do this!

Write a commitment contract and then share it with your partner, friend, an online community related to your habit, your social media followers, or your health coach - that's me!

Or simply ask one person to receive your daily check-in regarding that habit. Keep it simple! You've got this!

And if you need someone to hold you accountable, connect with me and I’ll make sure you stick to your goals and habits! We can do this together.

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