Working out is not a space to repent for your dietary “sins”.
The gym or your workout space should be the place and time to celebrate what your body CAN DO! Not punishment...for anything. It is a time to care for this vessel that gets you thru life, even when it's tired, injured or sick.
Diets suck. Someone once said, "the word diet includes the work 'die' in it!" I don't like the phrase "cheat' meals either. Dichotomous thinking about food leads us to dangerous eating patterns. I don't use these words w/my kiddo because I don't want him to think there are "good" foods and "bad" foods. Some are just more nutritious than others.
Can we stop using phrases like "cheat meal" or "guilt-free"? Simply strive for 80% whole plant based, high nutrition meals and enjoy 20% less nutritious meals. They're both delicious and serve us in different ways!
Trying to "work off" a meal is not only demoralizing but it's also a waste of time. Your NEAT (non-exercise activity thermogenesis aka your daily movements thru life) over the period of a few days will contribute more to counteract that indulgent meal then a HIIT session done out of "guilt". STOP!
Studies have shown that how you FEEL about what you're eating effects how it gets processed in the body. So enjoy that milkshake and then move on, trusting that your next meal will be an alkaline producing, nutritious meal.
It's called balance and it's called enjoying your life! 💙
Workout because it feels amazing, knowing you're taking care of your only body, to have the best possible experience while you're in it.