This is a sample of my 3 month general plan:
Pantry Purge ~ $200 Value; In person or virtual. Includes & healthy food flips and 1 optional shopping trip
Customized meal plan and food prepping ideas to expedite results based on your intake form and personal preferences. Reviewed and/or updated 1x/month.
Food journaling reviews 1x/week.We review what you are eating, to support you creating mindfulness and new beneficial habits and discover nutritional gaps and wins!
1x weekly 30min 1:1 coaching session w/Tanya ~ Food journal review, Habits, Success Mindset, Accountability
Custom strength training program - reviewed 1x w/any needed adjustments
Private FB group for accountability - optional
“Unlimited” text messaging for all questions, accountability and weekly progress reports
Weekly weight & emotional progress report (via text)
Email Tanya for questions and/or clarity. See Pricing page for different program costs.