5 Easy, Daily Detox Tips

Why detox you ask? All data now confirms what for a long time was just “buzz words” or “trendy hippie sh*t”….

Humans are living in a highly toxic environment. An unnaturally, unsustainable toxic environment. And it’s increasingly more toxic every day, every year. Not shockingly, our bodies are not doing well under this unnatural toxic load. Add to the long and scary list of environmental toxins, chronic stress and imbalanced hormones (a result of toxic overload in most cases) …and your liver carries a huge burden on a daily basis. With so many things wearing your liver down, you’re left unnaturally tired, chronically sick and out of balance and in a word…depleted. This is chronic in our modern America but it’s NOT NORMAL.

"Detox" as a word has no doubt been over-used and many people are confused by it and sadly have “detox” fatigue before they even understand its profundity. But the fact is, your body needs this level of support.

If you don't have the time or capacity for a full detox right now, I want to share 5 simple daily switches and new habits that you can start right now, to give your liver some much needed love and start feeling better right away.

Most of our body processes happen without our awareness. One of those many processess, is liver filteration and the resulting detox….Yes detox is one of the most important processes your body is already doing, all the time! And according to Chinese medicine, most heavily from 3-6am. During detox, our livers filter out excess hormones like estrogen, toxins, chemicals, and other unwanted substances in our bodies.

But what happens to your liver in our overloaded toxic world? Most definitely, it becomes overburdened. The result? It can’t perform it’s critical function as well, or at all and you will be left suffering.

In my late 40’s I found myself in a health crisis. At the time I didn’t realize I was in peri-menopause; couple this with the unbelievable stress of a baby and my body was quickly betraying me…:Mysterious all over body rashes, hair loss and really sad skin, sudden weight loss then large weight gain I’d never experienced, debilitating fatigue and heightened anxiety and fear of leaving my house with my baby. I just couldn’t cope.

With the help of a holistic, homeopathic dietitian I learned that my liver wasn’t working as it should and I was malnourished. WHAT?! Me malnourished? But I was the poster woman for living a healthy-plant-based-daily-green-smoothie life! How could this be? Decades of modern living and excessive stress of new motherhood left my liver and gut compromised and not working. Thus I began my 8yr journey of deep research and personal experience into all things regenerative health and nutrition, menopause and specifically liver and body detox.

One of the main things I shifted and fully incorporated into my life, was regular detoxes while boosting my internal terrain to best support my liver’s functions and my gut health. It worked. Within just a couple of months my body came back on-line. I had more energy, my skin started to look less sallow and I felt more significantly grounded which was huge as a new mother.

Even if you don’ FEEL depleted or otherwise compromised, certainly if you’re over 40yrs old, mostly likely your liver is overburdened and slowing down.

It doesn’t need to be complicated. Incorporating small, daily detox habits into your routine can greatly improve your liver’s health and ability to support your overall health.

These are 5 easy, daily detox tips you can incorporate into your life right now.

  1. Open your windows for at least 30min a day, even in the winter months. The EPA’s Total Exposure Assessment Methodology (TEAM) found that regardless of whether in rural or urban areas, indoor areas contained two to five times more pollution than outdoor air. (1)

  2. Drink lots of water and add lemon for an extra liver cleansing boost (or electrolytes for other benefts). Ideally you’ll have lukewarm lemon water upon rising before ingesting anything else. “Besides preventing dehydration, consuming a sufficient quantity of water… it’s also necessary to help an ailing liver fulfill its duties.” (2) Studies have debunked the decades long belief that everyone should drink 8 glasses/day. Each person's water intake needs are unique to them, based on lifestyle, body size and state of their liver. You decide what’s best for you, but most likely you would benefit from drinking a bit more and definitely by adding fresh lemon or an electrolyte drink.

    The recommended average fluid intake for women is 9-11 cups, or 2.7 liters a day. (3) However, those who are active or live in warmer climates may need to drink more.

    Double your benefits! Add lemon or electrolytes to your water! Lemon aids in digestion, prevents oxidation, and gives you extra potassium and vitamin C — all of which are great for your health! (4) And the right electrolytes - those without added sugar! - offer a host of benefits, especially for older men and women who are more likely not to be absorbing nutrients efficiently; nutrient deficiency contributes to dehydration and so much more.

    My go-to electrolyte drink mix is LMNT!

    I’ve been mixing these delicious packets (Citrus Salt is my favorite) into my water daily for about a year and the almost immediate boost, in my energy and feeling of satiety, is profound. And it helps curve cravings too; because often times cravings are our bodies way of signaling we’re mineral deficient, not actually hungry.

    LMNT works so well because it’s packed with enough sodium, potassium, and magnesium to get you balanced and feeling sharp.

    Plus, LMNT contains ZERO sugar, artificial colors or any other crap!

    And…this is extra exciting!

    They’re letting me offer you a F-R-E-E bonus sample pack with your first purchase! So you can experience LMNT for yourself!

    Simply tap this link to order now!

  3. Swap out plastics for glass or stainless steel. Maybe you read recently, a new startling study revealed massive amounts of nanoplastic particles in bottled water.(5) Yikes! The toxic conclusion here is obvious. When you drink from plastic bottles and reheat food in plastic containers, you’re putting yourself at risk of ingesting both microplastics and the more dangerous nanoplastics, that harm your health.(6) Do all you can to dramatically reduce consumption of anything in plastic.

  4. Swap out your cleaning and personal care products for non-toxic ones! Before even leaving the house in the morning, the average American is exposed to over 100 chemicals! … from soaps, cosmetics, and personal care items.(7) A simple tip is to swap out those chemical-laden personal care and cleaning products with natural alternatives.(8)

    Cosmetics and Personal Care Products: The shorter the ingredient list, the better. Shop natural markets and spas offering only organic products, for the best skin care. Find maybe my all time favorite skin care line Eminence here: https://bit.ly/47O5CmS

    A slightly more budget friendly brand I love is Juice Beauty.

    * Cleaning Products: Look for the Safer Choice label certified by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). You can also easily and quickly make your own cleaning products at home. I am NOT a DIY’er but I promise, this is so easy.

    My go-to homemade all purpose cleaning spray:

    • One part water

    • One part white vinegar

    • Your favorite essential oil scent. I love Purify by doTERRA.

    • That’s it!

  5. Add more fresh, organic fruits and vegetable to your daily diet. Let’s not forget our most basic, natural support system - the food we get to eat that is designed to support our body’s natural detox processes. Add these specifically: Berries, apples - I eat at least one a day - and cruciferous veggies. Also, many herbs and adaptogens have been found to support liver filtration: Ashwagandha, Chaga Mushroom, spirulina and so many more. Reach out if you’d like guidance.


The 5 tips above are truly effective, yet simple habits anyone can incorporate into their daily lives. Getting and staying healthy does not have to be expensive.

However, many people need a more complete, targeted liver detox.

So how do you know if you need to?

These are a few telltale signs that you could benefit from a liver detox:

  • You often feel anxious and/or depressed.

  • You have trouble concentrating or struggle with brain fog.

  • You experience intense sugar cravings.

  • You have difficulty losing weight.

  • You suffer from persistent skin breakouts or eruptions.

  • You’ve been diagnosed with fatty liver.

  • PMS and/or irregular periods

  • Chronic infections like colds, sinus and yeast infections, candida, mold exposure just to name a few.

If you identify with 2 or more of these symptoms, chances are you would benefit from a concentrated detox.

If you’re ready to do a more complete detox, join my 30-90 day Nourish + Detox Program now! Please reach out to me with all your questions about detoxing generally and/or my Nourish + Detox program.


  1. https://www.epa.gov/indoor-air-quality-iaq/inside-story-guide-indoor-air-quality#

  2. https://www.liversupport.com/how-much-water-does-your-liver-need/

  3. https://www.nationalacademies.org/news/2004/02/report-sets-dietary-intake-levels-for-water-salt-and-potassium-to-maintain-health-and-reduce-chronic-disease-risk

  4. https://health.clevelandclinic.org/7-reasons-to-start-your-day-with-lemon-water-infographic/

  5. n.pr/3Odzke5; Original study reference: https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.230058212

  6. https://bit.ly/3u4cGxZ

  7. https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/news/features/harmful-chemicals-in-personal-care-products/

  8. https://ogs.ny.gov/green-cleaning


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