What is Regenerative Health? And a very special one-time offer.

Regenerative Health at it’s core is ROOT CAUSE health. Getting to the root cause of the discomfort, illness or disease; unlike allopathic medicine which never considers “why” you’re sick, but only treats the symptoms. There is always a discoverable reason for your illness. A system in the body has been compromised or weakened which is causing discomfort, illness or disease. Attend to that system, give the body what it needs to do it’s proscribed job and build back the effected tissue or organ - the body regenerates itself.

Are you aware that allopathic western medicine has never cured anything? Not a single thing. Sure we have pharmaceuticals that mask or reduce a symptom, chemo to scorch the terrain, killing everything good and bad, and surgery to cut out the offending organ or tissue (which is rarely a good idea). But guess what?! Nature didn’t screw up. Our body is as perfect as nature is perfect - it’s brilliant and has a built in knowledge to heal itself…if given what it needs to do so.

All of those “incurable” illnesses like MS, Diverticulitis, Crohnes disease, Lyme etc….they are reversible. Regenerative health has the answers to whatever ailment you’re experiencing. And what’s crazy is that it’s deeply rooted in science; collectively we have the information but mainstream medical systems simply ignore or even dismiss it. It’s negligent at best, criminal at worst.

I demand that everyone have this information. Not only because we deserve it but because today, more than ever before, our health and thus our happiness and ability to be successful and thrive, is at severe risk. When our body is unwell, it’s almost impossible to show up as our whole, boundless selves.

Certified Regenerative Health Practioner - Spring 2025!

After the disaster of Covid, both in loss of life and lack of health guidance, my lifelong commitment and deep passion for optimal wellness (aka human potential) was further deepened. I was incensed and fired up to do more in the health space. Because I saw the HUGE gapping whole of lack of health knowledge among Americans and the nearly impossible to climb mountain of trash food, chemicals in our food, water and air; making it unfeasible for most people to get and stay healthy. Despite their best efforts in some cases.

This is not ok with me. I personally demand better for my life, for my health and ability to thrive. And as a mother of a young boy, I have an obligation to provide him a clean, toxic-free childhood and world so he can thrive now and live into his one spectacular life! Americans are the sickest population on the planet, the most obesity, highest type 2 diabetes, highest heart disease and even depression and anxiety and it’s ALL CAUSED BY OUR HORRID FOOD SYSTEMS w/unchecked chemicals and neurotoxins, and Big Ag’s chart blanche pesticide use. We’re very literally being poisoned on the daily.

Unexplained fatigue? Weird skin issues? Hashimoto’s? Extreme menopause symptoms? Constipated? Chronic dehyrdration? All of these ailments and so many more are chronically common now but THEY ARE NOT NORMAL. And we need to be aware of this…it is not normal to feel terrible, depleted and ineffectual.

So I am getting certified as a Regenerative Health Practioner. I graduate in late March and will be shifting 90% of my professional practice to RH coaching. This might be the most important decision of my 25year career in health and fitness. And I’m so excited I can hardly stand it. RH is the ultimate culmination of my decades of coaching people to better health, fitness and longevity. RH is the future of health and medicine. And I’m beyond excited to bring it to you. I hope you’ll hang out and get great benefit from all I’ll share.

I am taking on just 4 people as Case Studies as part of my graduation requirement. I have 2 slots available. If you would like to be considered as a case study candidate, please email me here. I will reach out to you for an exploratory call. Participants must be willing to commit to at lease 90 days of nutrition and lifestyle coaching and be open to recommended protocols. I’m asking just $200/month for 3 months (or longer if someone needs or wants more time). After April 15th, 2025, my fees will be $390-$500/month. This could be the answer you’ve been looking for. If you’ve talked to multiple doctors, hired outside of network practitioners, spent hundreds on supplements, all to no avail, I feel you. That was my experience too. Then I found Regenerative Health. I hope you’ll reach out.


5 Easy, Daily Detox Tips